Netiquette+_PR1_Competence framework_EN

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-ADU-000035241] What is the theory behind Netiquette+? Digital proficiency levels According to DigComp 2.1 - The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens with eight proficiency levels, netiquette integrates the competence area communication and collaboration and is broadly defined as the awareness regarding “behavioural norms and know-how while using digital technologies and interacting in digital environments”, as well as the capability “to adapt communication strategies to specific audiences and to be aware of cultural and generational diversity in digital environments”. The table below shows how each one of the eight levels represent a step up in adults’ acquisition of the competence according to its cognitive challenge, the complexity of the tasks they can handle and their autonomy in completing the task2 2 Adapted from Carretero, S.; Vuorikari, R. and Punie, Y. (2017). DigComp 2.1: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens with eight proficiency levels and examples of use, EUR 28558 EN, doi:10.2760/38842 levels complexity of tasks autonomy cognitive domain foundation 1 simple tasks with guidance remembering 2 simple tasks autonomy and with guidance where needed remembering intermediate 3 well-defined and routine tasks, and straightforward problems on my own understanding 4 tasks, and well-defined and non-routine problems independent and according to my needs understanding advanced 5 different tasks and problems guiding others applying 6 most appropriate tasks able to adapt to others in a complex context evaluating highly specialised 7 resolve complex problems with limited solutions integrate to contribute to the professional practice and to guide others creating 8 resolve complex problems with many interacting factors propose new ideas and processes to the field creating