
● Be personal: Sensitisation about respectful dealing with your own personal data and that of others. ● Be respectful: Information about how to respect any legal and copyright related to the material found on the internet. ● Be perceptive: Focusing on your own needs and filtering the information required to reach your own purpose. The course combines reading input, text information with further links and short videos. The single units are designed to be done in 5 to 1o min each. Following the links indicated at the bottom of the units will take extra learning time. At the end of the course a short knowledge check consisting of multiple choice questions is provided. Target group: Persons working in education and training, especially teachers. No age restrictions are mentioned. All persons trained with this course, independently of their age, could be potential beneficiaries. Results: Make people aware what digital citizenship is, how to act adequately and increase the knowledge about the challenges related to digital citizenship. Second good practice Course Title: APS Digital Citizenship Curriculum Country of Origin: US, Carolin Springs Elementary School, available in different languages (English, German, Spanish, French and more). Relevance with key area: The online course relates to the topic of digital citizenship and addresses the importance of the responsible use of technology. Methodology: Structured approach to the topic of digital citizenship. The material can be used as a guideline to help teachers develop their own material. The course itself is part of the didactic programme of the Carolin Spring Elementary School. However, it can be used as a model to create your own course, as it contains a helpful structure and gives input for the relevant content. The Guidelines are subdivided according to different school grades and have a modular structure. Each module describes learning objectives. The course also addresses related topics like cyberbullying and fake news. Relevant to our focus of interest ‘Digital citizenship’ are the following topics: ● Grade 1: staying safe online. ● Grade 2, module 1: keep it private