
Digital Footprint - A digital footprint is the trail of data left behind when we browse the internet. It includes things like search history, social media posts, online purchases and any other information shared online. There are several laws that govern how digital footprints can be used. These include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in Canada. Active digital footprints - are those that we intentionally leave behind, such as when we post something on social media or fill out a form online. Passive digital footprints - are those that are created unintentionally, such as when we browse the internet or use tracking cookies. Digital pollution - Digital pollution refers to all forms of pollution caused by the IT sector: greenhouse gas emissions, chemical contamination, erosion of biodiversity, production of electronic waste. Digital communication channel - A communication channel is a digital medium used to transmit information. The channels are extremely varied. They are now very numerous on the web: websites, networks, social, online advertising, etc.. The Internet has positioned itself as the favourite medium of consumers and therefore of digital communication, far ahead of television and radio. References and Additional Resources References Netiquette guidelines for online communication Discussion papers by Chris Dede, Harvard University Document de réflexion – C. Dede, numéro 1 Document de réflexion – C. Dede, numéro 2 ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) "The hidden face of digital technology: reducing the impact of digital technology on the environment". November 2019 edition. Available online: