
that constitutes our Digital Identity and forges our E-reputation on the web, whatever our professional horizon. The main objective of the day is to bring concrete digital tracks that allow it to control its digital image in the long term. The main questions addressed are the following: What happens to these (almost) indelible digital traces once online? Who can access them and until when? To what extent can our digital identity and our ereputation impact our professional future? This initiative is realised in partnership with the Eurometropolitan e-Campus which is a Collective structure of Higher Education and continuous training of reference in Belgium dedicated exclusively to the fields of digital. Recommandations In conclusion, these two initiatives encourage citizens to question the future challenges of online communication by considering the evolution of daily practices in our society. One is concerned with the global impacts that our practices can have on the environment, while the other is concerned with the digital footprint. The project of the University of Liège in Belgium encourages volunteer work and the participation of young students to create collective projects that can raise awareness about the drifts of online communication. It is a guide of good practices that proposes a deontological framework and aims to describe the behaviours to adopt for a rational, respectful, and eco-responsible use of online communication in all its aspects. Realised independently by the students, it is an example of an initiative that gives importance to the learners' knowledge, of their own knowledge, of their capacity to apprehend the world and to reinvent it if we give them the necessary tools to do so. Glossary Digital communication - electronic tools, systems, devices, and resources that generate, store or process data. Well-known examples include social media, online games, multimedia, and cell phones. Digital learning is any type of learning that uses technology. Digital Literacy - skills needed to live, learn, and work in a society where communication and access to information is increasing through digital technologies such as internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices.